Bulgaria's favorite trap hype party is hitting them Sofia streets like never before.
The revolutionary concept behind the party quickly took the country by storm and became a fan-favorite because of its unique surprises, top-notch lineups and perfect fan experience.
Now, for our 5th official resurrection, we're bringing it back to the classics - fresh hits mixed with some undiscovered trap and hip-hop gems, unmatched atmosphere, unique designs and, of course, yall's favorite DJs. Perhaps some surprises, too. Bulgarian artist FYRE will be joining our event as special guest. That is the place we will all hear his next album for the first time and you will have a chance too meet & greet him before the event starts.
Date: 21st of March
Start: 22:30
Location: Toplotsentrala, hall 1
Лица с навършени 16 години, но ненавършени 18 години, ще се допускат или заедно с родител/настойник или с предварително попълнена декларация от родител/настойник и задължително заедно с пълнолетен придружител.
Закупуването на билет не гарантира седящо място в залата. "
За повече информация -> ☎ 0878123876 / 0878331730
София, ул. "Емил Берсински" №5, Sofia, Bulgaria, София,БългарияCULTURE IS DE*D RETURNS TO THE CAPITAL!
Bulgaria's favorite trap hype party is hitting them Sofia streets like never before.
The revolutionary concept behind the party quickly took the country by storm and became a fan-favorite because of its unique surprises, top-notch lineups and perfect fan experience.
Now, for our 5th official resurrection, we're bringing it back to the classics - fresh hits mixed with some undiscovered trap and hip-hop gems, unmatched atmosphere, unique designs and, of course, yall's favorite DJs. Perhaps some surprises, too. Bulgarian artist FYRE will be joining our event as special guest. That is the place we will all hear his next album for the first time and you will have a chance too meet & greet him before the event starts.
Date: 21st of March
Start: 22:30
Location: Toplotsentrala, hall 1
Лица с навършени 16 години, но ненавършени 18 години, ще се допускат или заедно с родител/настойник или с предварително попълнена декларация от родител/настойник и задължително заедно с пълнолетен придружител.
Закупуването на билет не гарантира седящо място в залата. "
За повече информация -> ☎ 0878123876 / 0878331730
Bulgaria's favorite trap hype party is hitting them Sofia streets like never before.
The revolutionary concept behind the party quickly took the country by storm and became a fan-favorite because of its unique surprises, top-notch lineups and perfect fan experience.
Now, for our 5th official resurrection, we're bringing it back to the classics - fresh hits mixed with some undiscovered trap and hip-hop gems, unmatched atmosphere, unique designs and, of course, yall's favorite DJs. Perhaps some surprises, too. Bulgarian artist FYRE will be joining our event as special guest. That is the place we will all hear his next album for the first time and you will have a chance too meet & greet him before the event starts.
Date: 21st of March
Start: 22:30
Location: Toplotsentrala, hall 1
Лица с навършени 16 години, но ненавършени 18 години, ще се допускат или заедно с родител/настойник или с предварително попълнена декларация от родител/настойник и задължително заедно с пълнолетен придружител.
Закупуването на билет не гарантира седящо място в залата. "
За повече информация -> ☎ 0878123876 / 0878331730
София, ул. "Емил Берсински" №5, Sofia, Bulgaria, София,България